Oxfordshire Masons contribute to Bucks 2010 Festival

W.Bro. Peter Lloyd, WM of the Oxfordshire Lodge of Installed Master - No. 7770 and the brethren of his Lodge made a very generous charitable donation of £200 to the 2010 Festival Appeal for the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys, which the Province of Buckinghamshire is currently hosting. This presentation followed a special delivery of W.Bro. David Peck’s paper entitled "Did the threat of a German Invasion, in World War II, pose a risk to British Freemasons?”, which was given to the brethren and their wives, after a meeting, at the Oxfordshire Masonic Centre, on 16 March 2009.  This visit to Oxfordshire marks the start of the Buckinghamshire Association for Masonic Research (www.bamr.co.uk) plan to extend its coverage area. W.Bro David Peck is the past chair of the BAMR. The BAMR has several members willing to give papers on a wide range of topic anywhere in the Province or beyond.

Photograph is of Peter Lloyd (left) presenting a cheque to David Peck.
