Foreword to the BAMR’s Transactions Vol 11: 2007

by V. W. Bro. H. Nelson Hall, DepPGM

I am very pleased to have been invited to contribute a Foreword to this volume of Transactions

of the Buckinghamshire Association for Masonic Research.

The BAMR and the Buckinghamshire Lodge for Masonic Research No. 9585 had an interesting and varied year in 2007.  These Transactions record the fruits of those labours.  I welcome the opportunity, which is here provided for those papers to reach a wider audience.  I am sure that long-standing members of the BAMR will appreciate this latest volume, and I hope that new members find that reading these Transactions adds to and deepens their knowledge of the meaning and practice of Freemasonry.

It is particularly pleasing to see the contribution made by Buckinghamshire Masons to this edition.  There is a wealth of talent amongst our brethren and I am delighted that this is a forum where we all can share their knowledge and experience.

Furthermore, the Buckinghamshire Lodge for Masonic Research has also been outward looking in inviting W.Bro. Gordon Davie to deliver his Prestonian Lecture on Women and Freemasonry.  As Freemasons we are endeavouring to widen our outlook and establish good relations with other Masonic bodies, and with the communities in which we reside. 

I welcome this latest version of the BAMR Transactions and wish the Lodge and Association well.
